The Bee Shepherds Bee Removal
The Bee Shepherds are a family owned and operated business consisting of my father (Mike Sr.), myself (Mike Jr.) my wife Shelly, my sister Ashley and our 3 year old (an aspiring beekeeper) named Noah. (Update.... the company is growing as we added another boy, 10lb 6oz Benjamin to our crew!) We have been in business for 13 years and over that time we have done thousands of bee and wasp removals. We are mature professionals. I am fortunate enough to serve as the expert for Animal Planet's TV show "Infested" and have been in a few episodes that aired this year. I have also gone on Fox News with John Stossel to discuss and debate colony collapse disorder (CCD) and the plight of Honey Bees with published enviornmental economists. I was asked to be on David Letterman but was unable to make it do to logistics of bringing a live colony of honey bees to the studio. When we are not rescuing bees or tending to our own, I work as an active Duty Master Sergeant in the U.S. Marines and Shelly is an English teacher at Canajoharie High School.