Yellow jackets are usually about 1/2 to 3/4 of a inch and have alternating yellow and black markings on their abdomen. These are easily distinguishable from honey bees by the yellow coloration of their legs, as honey bee legs are consistently dark brown to black. In addition, yellow jackets have no hair or "peach fuzz" on their body and they appear glossy when viewed up close. These insects are very aggressive in defending themselves or their nest. Their stinger is not barbed, so they can sting repeatedly. Like honey bees, yellow jackets can be found nesting inside structures such as soffit, walls, ceilings, etc. If not dealt with early on, yellow jackets are perfectly capable of eating through your sheet rock and coming into your home.Yellow jackets are by far, the most common insect we find when called in to do a bee removal. The cost for removing these will be cheaper than honey bees since their nests are smaller but more expensive than bald faced hornets. On a scale of 1-10 of bee removal bad luck...... yellow jackets are a 5. An interesting fact about yellow jackets that many people don't know is that they make no honey. They actually have a hankering for bacon, fish, and hot dogs. They will feed this protein to their larvae which in turn, excrete a sugary solution that the adults will eat.
This Eastern Yellow Jacket can be distinguished from other yellow jackets by the wide arrow shape at the top of its abdomen. Eastern Yellow jackets possess all of the typical yellow jacket physical characteristics, such as a half-inch long stout body, yellow and black coloration, yellow legs and black antennae.
If insects could experience human emotions, they would probably have an identity crisis. This species (sometimes called a hybrid Yellow jacket) is so named because it's thought to be a cross between the Eastern and German Yellow Jacket, and possibly related to the Common and Western Yellow Jacket. The body has yellowish hairs. Nests are subterranean, and worker populations may be over 1000. Workers are scavengers, so they may pose a problem to people eating outside late in the summer. Like these other species, Transition Yellow jackets have yellow and black coloration and a stout body, and are roughly 1/2 inch in length.
BALD FACED HORNETS (Wasp - Pictured Above) The nest can be quite large for some colonies of Bald faced Hornets. It is made of a papery material and will usually range in size from a softball to a large pillow. Nests can commonly be found hanging from tree branches, bushes, and soffit. These insects are most easily distinguished by there large size, black and white colors and their aggressive nature. Amazingly, Bald Faced Hornets have the ability to spit venom into the eyes of people or predators. I learned this lesson the hard way and you will now see that we wear eye protection on all of our jobs. Bald faced hornets are a best case scenario if you need a bee removal. These infestations are the easiest and least complex to abate so the price to you will be minimal. On the scale of 1-10 of bee removal bad luck...... Bald faced hornets are a 1. From a danger standpoint Bald Faced Hornets are a 9. Thy will attack you just for fun with little to no provocation and are amongst the most aggressive of wasps. These wasps are very much attracted to light at night and you may see them bouncing off of your exterior house lights or your windows when no other lights are present. They will not reuse the same nest from year to year but their hive size can get extremely large (Watermelon size) if left to their own devices.
These insects are HUGE! You will swear you have hummingbirds flying around. It is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and black with pale-yellow markings on the last three abdominal segments. These wasps are very intimidating to see flying near you but they are one of the least aggressive species. They will only sting if handled roughly and the females of the species are the only ones capable of stinging. Luckily, these scary looking insects also have one of the weakest stings. If you have cicada killers you will see what appear to be dirt mounds dug into any exposed dirt with a hole in the center. These insects burrow underground. The hole will be about the diameter of your thumb so there will be no mistaking it for an ant mound. Sometimes there is a telltale slide mark present where they drag the Cicadas they kill down into their burrow. In the spring you may see these insects hovering around the grass or especially in areas of exposed dirt or sparsely covered lawn. After two to three weeks you will begin to see the dirt mounds like in the pictures above. Until these mounds are present we won't be able to provide any meaningful service to you. Our recommendation is to wait until a week or two after the mounds are created and then give us a call so we can help. These are solitary insects and that makes them more of a challenging wasp to abate.
We provide bee removal service in Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Orange, Putnam, Dutchess, Kings, Ulster, Greene, Columbia, Richmond, Rockland, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Montgomery, Warren, Essex, Washington, and Albany County, all throughout New York, NY. Call us if your need a bee removal. 800-871-9496